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St. George Knanaya Catholic Proposed Mission, Bristol

About Us

St. George Knanaya Catholic Mission, started on 19th March 2018, aims to preserve the spiritual and ecclesial life of Knanaya Catholics who live in and around the cities like Bristol, Swindon, Bath, Western Super-mare, Devon, and Exeter. The activities of this Mission officially inaugurated after the
Holy Qurbana at St. Vincent Catholic Church on 11th November 2018 by Fr. Saji alayilputhenpurayil, the priest in-charge and the Vicar General of Knanaya Catholics in the UK.

The members of this mission gather at St. Vincent Catholic Church in every second and fourth Sundays of each month and celebrate the divine liturgy as well as conduct catechism classes for the children up to  10th standard. Fr. Philip Kuzhiparambil CMI has been helping the faithful with pastoral care till 21st of January 2024. The parish council which includes 14 members with the leadership of Fr. Saji along with three trustees, namely, Aby Jose Thottiyil, Toby Abraham and Joji Punchal, leads the everyday activities of this Mission. Mr. Binoy Mankottil is serving as the accountant of this mission.Three koodarayogams (Family prayer gathering) were started in connection with the feast of St. George, the Patron Saint of this Mission, on 19th June 2023. This Prayer gatherings are being continued in every month in each Koodarayogams. Further efforts are being done to reach out toevery family that are spread in the premises of this mission. Currently the total number of families is 100.

We proudly accept that we have an energetic and active choir which makes the divine liturgy and other activities attractive. The Department of Catechism bears an inevitable role in the spiritual growth of our young generations. The Mission is blessed with 15 teachers, and they encourage the students to participate in children’s assembly, Altar service, Bible reading, offertory collection, and the choir. James Philip, the head teacher, coordinates all other teachers in this formation. Besides the spiritual formation, we also teach and share the traditional values and history of the Knanaya community. From standard 1 to 10, the total strength of students is 60. The mission members were
waiting with prayers for a resident priest and God has blessed this community with a priest. Fr. Ajoob Thottananiyil is the new director of St. George Knanaya Catholic Mission from 21st of January 2024 onwards.

No of Families: 100

Priests Served in this Mission

Fr. Ajoob Thottananiyil (2024 January – )

Residents Address:

Contact No: +447747241175



Office Bearers


Fr. Ajoob Thottananiyil

Priest in charge

Mob: +447747241175


Joji Mon Kuriakose


Mob: 07985566421


Toby Abraham


Mob: +44 7436 597603


Aby T Jose


Mob: 07841901111

Mass timings

Mass days & Timings: Every Second and forth Sunday 3PM

Church AddressSt. Vincent RC Church, Southmead, Embleton Rd, Bristol, BS10 6DS

Church AddressSt. Vincent RC Church, Southmead, Embleton Rd, Bristol

Postcode: BS10 6DS
Map Location

News from our mission

St George Knanaya Catholic Missionൽ Bristol ഓശാന തിരുനാൾ ആഘോഷിച്ചു.
St George Knanaya Catholic Missionൽ Mission Coordinator ബഹുമാനപ്പെട്ട അജൂബ് തോട്ടനാനിയിൽ...
St George Knanaya Catholic Proposed Mission Co-ordinator ആയി നിയമിതനായ ബഹുമാനപ്പെട്ട Ajoob Thottananiyil അച്ചന് സ്വീകരണം നൽകി.
ബ്രിസ്റ്റോൾ: St George Knanaya Catholic Proposed Mission Co-ordinator ആയി നിയമിതനായ...